Yes, please make sure you not the NOTE in the middle of the page at the link
below as most people return these remotes because they cannot figure out how
to work them.
Thank you,
Customer Service
Houston We Have A Problem. This remote, whether you realize it's only a user controll or not, Does Not Controll The Installers Menu. It does the very same thing and No More than what my universal remote does to begin with. I've attached image that the setup menu auto program is locked, among other functions and cannot be unlocked by this remote. I have the 6710V00108D remote control part number LP702 Master Remote Programming Instructions [PDF]. This remote 'menu' button does NOT take you to the installers menu. 9,8,7,6, ENTER or 9,8,7,6, CC doesn't do anything either. The model and part numbers on this new remote are wrong. Now maybe you're the one who's been had by this product, But I'm Not going to be hoodwinked. I asked you specifically to be sure it was correct BEFORE you shipped it to me. False advertisement of a product can earn you a brand new webpage all your own.
I have responded to you the day after recieving this bogus remote. Now I'm waiting to hear how this Issue is going to be resolved. I want a full refund now and I'm not going to haggle with you like so many others have had to.